About Kwanzaa Days
You know that feeling when you’re a kid, and you’re nearing a holiday that means a lot to you. You get so excited because it’s a special time of year that feels so unique - your house gets decorated, that one dish you love is finally in the oven, family and friends start gathering around. There are sights, smells, sounds and all the other senses you start recognizing that make you go “it’s here! It’s happening!”
There are many different holidays, observances and traditions that have that feeling for us. Take a moment to think of what that holiday is for you.
For the Jamall family, and youngest daughter Kalilah (kah-lie-lah), that time of year is during Kwanzaa, and by clicking through this website, we hope you understand the significance of this observance, why you should care about it, and even motivate you to learn a little more.

Celebrated through the decades by a family looking for connectiveness and inclusivity.
Why is Kwanzaa important to you?
Nancy: a mother’s response to the importance of the holiday to Black Americans across the country.
From a dark past comes joy and creativity.
Elijah: a brother’s take on why Kwanzaa should stand out for you during the holiday season, whether or not you celebrate.